Looking for a Yoga Studio Richmond Hill, then Oxygen Yoga should be your number one Choice!

There has never been a better time to get into shape and start your wellness journey. At Oxygen Yoga & Fitness, their mission is exactly that.

With a state-of-the-art studio and variety of classes offered, Oxygen Yoga Studio Richmond Hill makes sure there is different levels of intensity for all members. With a supportive community and close-knit team of trained professional instructors, this judge free studio looks to stand out above them all. There are group classes that focus on enhancing different parts of the body, as well as full body work out classes, and hot infrared yoga classes. Each class is developed with certain moves to maximize each exercise, and to help with body gains and muscle toning. In addition to those looking to enhance muscle, strength, and endurance, there are also classes catered to children and pregnant women as well.

Joining a new community and building a new lifestyle within the fitness world sometimes takes courage confidence, and motivation. The team at Oxygen Yoga Studio Richmond Hill understand that, and work with individuals to help achieve their personal fitness goals whatever they may be. Walking into a safe, clean, and calming facility is one thing that helps the adjustment for new members, a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to fitness studios. A positive atmosphere is what the team at Yoga Studio Richmond Hill pride themselves on, ensuring that each member feels comfortable and that when they walk into the studio, the stressors from their day to day lives can be left at the door.

There are so many reasons to join Oxygen Yoga & Fitness. With a specialized FAR Infrared technology that raises the body’s core temperature in a natural, comfortable way without blowing dry air or humidity, the warmth prepares the body for a powerful, moving and body changing workout and not only is it a natural detoxifier, but it also contributes to weight loss and pain relief. Inquire today!